Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

OTHER FAMOUS with a row TFT, ViewSonic build

laptop portfolio with
launched three portable CULV
compact. Integrating mobility helpless
stand tall with solid specs
features, Viewbook 120.130, and 140
seems ready to impress

With 13.3 and 14 inch screens, the
three laptop is made for users
high mobility, With processor
Intel's low voltage and
using a screen with LED backlit
low-powered, ViewSonic claim the batteries can last up
eight hours of 130 and 140.
ViewSonic also promising ability-
ladies with a standard mobile multimedia
16:9 widescreen display, Equipped den-
gan function for multi-gesture to decide
moved users to manage photos only
with a finger sweep, and HDMI port
and VGA for connection to the screen
greater entertainment experience
A more complete,
Available storage space
320GB capacity, and media
7-in-1 card reader to support
flash card is also Wi-Fi 802.11n for wireless internet access sustain-
high speed.

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